About Us

ChargePlay Limited is a registered company in England and Wales providing video on demand technonlogy services to website owners across the world.

We provide highly secure, reliable technology to website owners, developers and filmmakers, that allow the sale of film and video content directly to an online audience.

We are proud to say that rentals through the system since 2011 amount to multiple hundreds of thousands of pounds, with the vast majority going to filmmakers and content creators.

Chargeplay offers a film distribution 'engine' that drives the technical aspects of charging for content through a cost-effective process. Set up and run by Bristol based website design company 'Digital Visual', the technology is designed to help independent filmmakers and content creators make the most of online distribution without having to master the technical aspects of encoding, streaming and payment security. Payments are made directly to the content owner immediatly and files are encoded and streamed from ChargePlay controlled cloud servers.

By using well known, established technology partners, PayPal, Stripe, Amazon, and scalable cloud encoders we provide an automated enterprise VOD service at a cost effective price.

Small comissions from selling video pays for hosting, server time and encoding fees, meaning content providers keep more revenue.

The system was designed for independent feature films, but is also used successfully every day for documentaries, training videos, educational films and how-to's.


ChargePlay was initially offered as a free service when it launched at the Cannes Film festival in May 2011, offering 100% revenue to content owners and asking filmmakers to provide acces to their own hosting and encode their own files.

Many filmmakers found this confusing, and wanted to concentrate on making superb content, so we developed a solution. All content was moved onto servers that we controlled, and the system expanded to enable any video file to be uploaded and auto-encoded in the cloud, for delivery across multiple platforms.

Our encoding and streaming servers are expensive to run, so we cover the costs by taking a small automated commission from each sale.

In 2014 ChargePlay is automated and support is managed on a part time basis. We don't tweet or facebook post as much as we should, but we are real, and hope that this system makes a difference.